Boric Acid Suppositories Uses

Boric acid suppositories uses include treating bacterial vaginosis, yeast infections, and vaginal irritation. These suppositories aren’t the first line of treatment for most women, but they may be useful if an antifungal isn’t working.

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Before you start using a boric acid suppository, follow the manufacturer’s instructions. These should include how much to use and how long you should use it. You should also be sure to let your doctor know about any medications or supplements you’re taking as they might interact with the suppository.

Yeast Infections and Bacterial Vaginosis

A yeast infection is caused by an overgrowth of candida fungi or yeast. The fungi are naturally present in the vagina and help keep it in balance, but when they overgrow, symptoms like itching, vaginal discharge, and pain during sex may occur.

Bacterial vaginosis, on the other hand, is caused by a pH imbalance in the vagina that makes it more hospitable for harmful bacteria. This causes itching, discharge, and burning sensation.

Boric Acid Can Inhibit the Growth of Yeasts

The fungi that cause a yeast infection can be prevented from growing by using a pH-balancing treatment. The suppositories work by restoring the normal vaginal pH level and replenishing healthy flora.

It’s not recommended to use boric acid suppositories if you’re pregnant because it can interfere with the development of your baby. This is because it contains boron, a mineral that can harm the developing fetus and its mother.

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